Sponsors: Amber Nichols and Ellen Filkin
Band is co-curricular, meaning it meets as a class during the school day but also practices and performs outside of the school day. We compete in 3-4 competitions in the fall and host our own competition on Mardi Gras. After the fall season, we transition into learning Christmas music, where we perform a holiday concert for the entire school body. After Christmas break, we have two concerts, one is our Winter concert in February and the other is our Spring concert in May. Students on an individual level, participate in honor bands such as ILMEA, River to River, Heartland Honor Band, Solo and Ensemble contest and others.
PCHS band students travel every other year and have opportunities to travel more often with other groups. PCHS Band most recently went to five countries in Europe in 2023, Puerto Rico in 2022, New York City in 2018, and Disney World in 2016. The next adventure the PCHS Band students will take is going to New Orleans to perform at the World War II Museum in the summer of 2024.
PCHS recently won 1st overall at the Drums at Appletime competition in Murphysboro. They also brought home first place percussion and first place color guard.
Mrs. Nichols is the first female band director that PCHS has ever had. She prides herself in choosing music that is written by underrepresented composers. Cait Nishmiura, Omar Thomas, and Kevin Day are a few of her favorites.
Band is a special class in which the students have Mrs. Nichols from 5th through 12th grade. Band feels like a community where everyone is allowed to express themselves freely.