Head Coach: Kaylee Storey
Assistant Coach: Kaylee Stanhouse

PCHS Poms Team 2024-2025
Top L to R- Briley Hug, Kyra Hill, and Lacey Trail
Middle L to R- Haylee Hepburn, Mallory Higgerson, and Gracie Conner
Bottom L to R- Trinity Tilley, Layla Yates, Laynee Warden, and Brooklyn Neville
2024- 2025 Schedule
12/ 7/ 24
1/ 4/ 25
2/ 8/ 25
2/ 15/ 25
@Herrin High School
@ Edwardsville High School
@ Marion High School
@ Highland High School
@ IDTA Sate Finals- BOS Center
IDTA State Champions
2014-1A Jazz
2016-1A Jazz